According to statistics, on average, a person in the United States generates about 4.4 pounds of trash every day. And while most homes have enough available space to contain garbage in between trash service days, apartment complexes usually do not. If trash cannot be contained in proper receptacles, pests and animals can be attracted to the scent of the garbage. Animals can knock over trash cans, rip apart trash bags, and litter the area.
17 November 2017
No matter why you are renting a portable toilet at the moment, a common issue is how to keep the area around the toilet clean and scent-free. You might be having an event on your property or waiting for repairs in your bathroom, but you still need proper facilities. These tips will help to ensure that you keep your portable toilet as clean as possible. 1. Totally Empty the Tank
22 September 2017
If you own a business that operates off a septic tank, you owe it to yourself, your customers, and the other businesses around you, to keep it properly maintained. In fact, you also owe it to your community to make septic maintenance one of your top priorities. You might not know it, but if your commercial septic system malfunctions, you could be left with a serious mess on your hands. Take a look at three of the reasons you shouldn't neglect your commercial septic system:
3 September 2017
Renting a portable dumpster can be a very good option to consider due to the fact that it can help you with a wide range of different cleaning or construction projects, such as clearing out all of the accumulated clutter that has built up in your home when you decide to move or removing lots of yard waste from a piece of property. Listed below are two reasons to rent a portable dumpster.
4 August 2017
The potential of living farther off the grid and detached from busy city life can be extremely alluring to many people. If you're interested in that rural lifestyle, however, it's important that you develop a thorough understanding of the challenges and expectations that come along with it and that you're ready to transform your property into the self sufficient spot you need. Part of that transformation involves the installation of a septic system.
27 June 2017
A correctly designed and constructed septic tank system should be virtually problem free. Unfortunately, things do happen and problems with the septic tank are no exception. However, since it is buried, it is usually not something that crosses your mind unless you start to notice a problem, such as a bad odor on your property. One of the most important things to remember about prolonging the life of your septic system is proper maintenance; it is the key to keeping the system running smoothly.
6 June 2017
Portable restrooms, like the ones provided by Lemeta Pumping & Thawing, can make the overall experience better at outdoor festivals, concerts, and parks, but keeping the restroom area neat and accessible is critical for a positive experience. Here are a few things you can do to make your portable restrooms more welcoming for your guests. Create A Separate Space You won't want to have the restrooms next to food vendors or in the middle of your event.
16 May 2017
Handling the waste water and other waste from your home the proper way is obviously incredibly important. There are a couple of ways that people generally do this; some people have a private septic tank, while others use a public sewage system. Each can have its own pros and cons; these are a few benefits of having your own septic tank rather than using the public sewage system in your area.
3 May 2017